Know How Airports Get Benefitted From Video Walls

Know How Airports Get Benefitted From Video Walls

The transportation industry is one of those where no pitfall for video walls would be ever seen. Displays are essentially required at the bus stop, train stations and most importantly at airports. Airports are amongst the most crowded areas of transportation world, which is why airports welcome a tool which can inform and guide the travelers daily.

You might be familiar with the use of video wall solution in public transportation, however, when it comes to airports, applications of digital signage goes to an entirely different level. Airports are quite similar to smart city and they boast much potential for the tool as interactive and versatile as video walls.

Here are a few ways in which airports get benefitted from digital signage:

1. Video Walls Keep your Traveler Well-informed:

An airport is a place which is packed with information so conventional signs do not help here. Also, every single information terminal witnesses thousands of travelers every day. Video walls answer all the queries of the visitors and keep them well informed about the arrival and departure time of flight.

Also, digital signage aids in providing a quick announcement of the cancelled or delayed flights. Interactivity is quite a trend these days and at airports, these interactive LED displays create an immersive environment for the passenger.

2. Amazing Advertising Potential:

Advertising at airports is highly effective and could really boost the profit and sales of the companies which are associated in the field of travel and recreation. This is also beneficial for airport owners as providing advertising field to other companies generate additional revenue for property owners.

Advertising is highly effective at airports as one gets the opportunity to utilize the ‘dwell’ time during which travelers get bore waiting in line, baggage claims and at customs.

3. Entertainment can Keep People Engage while Waiting:

There are thousands of people who daily spend their time waiting for people. Entertainment is an excellent way to lower down the perceived wait times that generally comes as a blessing at an airport. There are a lot of deviating and engaging content that you can use such as news and weather and even advertisements. But, if you truly want to walk the walk when it comes to customer’s experience, then you must opt for pure entertainment. Any type of non-commercial content such as movies and cartoon can do the trick.

4. Help Travelers Navigate the Airport:

Video wall system can be used in helping travelers to navigate their surroundings as there generally several paths at airports. These display system can serve as a map to show travelers where they are in airport landscape and also direct them towards the efficient route of their destination. Way finding becomes convenient at airports with these interactive video walls, especially at the ones which are larger in size.

5. Smoother Internal Communication:

Airports have a lot of staffs and effective communication between staff member is essential for its smooth functioning. Especially during security alerts and weather alerts, digital signage aids in quick and effective communicate.

Video wall solutions offers a lot more advantages to airports; however, in order to leverage all those advantages, you must consider take assistance from reputed company.