6 Tips for Successful Video Design and Installation

6 Tips for Successful Video Design and Installation

Installation and design of a large-scale video wall is not a piece of cake. Proper planning is necessary along with choosing the right set of equipment, for creating an impact on the team, clients, visitors, buyers or students. Lack of knowledge and planning can raise you installation cost and chances of deploying successful advertising content can decrease. Since a significant amount of money is spent in designing and installation of LED or LCD video wall controller, therefore it is imperative to properly prepare and plan before stepping ahead in this road.

Here a few steps for successful video wall design and installation:

1. Define your goal?

Installation of large-scale video wall system is similar to planning for a big car race, first, you need to know what kind of race you are part of. Thus, firstly decide whether you require video wall for entertainment, sharing information or advertisement and what are the types of content that you will be displaying, 4K or HD. Also, consider what will be your sources, TV, internet, presentation, video or live stream and how imperative is the readability of text? This can help a lot in opting the right display system for your business.

2. Plan for Content

It is important to consider the content, initially in the design process as the content drives the video wall design and wall design drives the content. You can research the creative tricks and design ideas over the Internet. Also, decide where and for whom your content will be updated.

3. Consider the Space

This is an essential thing to be considered before installation of the video wall. Just check how video wall will be going to look architecturally, within your space. Consider the size of space, whether you require it for your organization or college campus. Also consider traffic patterns, the structure needed for support and the ambient light.

4. Decide your Requirement and Budget Accordingly:

Video wall comes in wide range of costs depending on its brightness, size, shape and resolution of the wall design. Also, the video wall controller varies in cost based on the features like resolution, flexibility, reliability, a number of separate images etc. There also come versatile LED panels that allow bending of images around corners and curved surfaces. Before investing a great amount also consider for how many hours a day, the system will be used.

5. Plan for Power

Video walls generally require AC power at the display unit and also at the equipment rack area. An efficient channel for power transmission between the equipment rack and display unit is essential for its durability, long term upgradability and serviceability.

6. Plan for Ventilation

Video wall solutions are designed to exhaust hot air and take in the fresh air, which prevents electronic components from overheating. Also, if your video wall will be mounted in an enclosure then make a plan for air flow. Professional video wall solution providers mount the system keeping these things in mind.

When it comes to video wall installation and design, hiring experts is the right decision as they will make sure that your project reaches the finish line ahead of the pack. A reputed video wall design company can assist you right from purchasing the audio/ video products to the installation of the system and planning for the design.